Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I choose where to go to have Physical Therapy?
YES. Everyone has the right to choose where they wish to receive their Physical Therapy care. A majority of our patients come highly recommended by their Physicians, family and friends. We are accepting new patients and welcome you to try our services. Contact us, and we will help you get started.
- Do I need a Physician referral to receive Physical Therapy?
No, you do not need a Physican referral for a Physical Therapy examination. You may need a referral for some insurance coverage purposes. Please contact your insurance provider for details. All of our services can be rendered on a self-pay basis, which will not require a Physican referral.
- What do I need to bring on my first visit?
Please come to your first visit in comfortable attire for a thorough Orthopedic and/or pelvic exam. Please bring with you the following additional items: Medical Doctor referral, insurance card/worker's comp claim/ automobile insurance claim, picture I.D., and a list of medications that you are currently taking.
- How long will each visit last?
Your first visit will last between 60-90 minutes to allow us to gain a thorough examination of your condition and establish an effective rehabilitation program. The subseqeunt visits, if necessary, will last between 30-60 minutes. The freqency of subsequent visits will be determined at your first session.
- Will my insurance cover my Physical Therapy treatment?
As a courtesy service to you, we will glady verify your insurance coverage and discuss with you. We are a provider for most insurance plans, however some of our specific services may not be covered. Please contact our office for further assistance.
- Does your facility submit claims to my insurance?
We will assist you in submitting claims to your insurance. For those providers that allow us, we will gladly submit claims. For those providers that do not, we will assist you with the necessary forms that will help you submit your claims directly.